The Importance of the Dental Hygienist Activities in Occupational Oral Hygiene of Periodontium Patients Evaluated in Improved Condition of Oral Hygiene and Periodontium as Examined by the CPITN Index

Authors: E. Kovalová 1;  A. Eliašová 1;  T. Čarnoká 1;  D. Jordan 1;  A. Kovaľ 1;  J. Jenčová 2;  M. Čierny 3;  Mar. Čierny 3
Authors‘ workplace: Fakulta zdravotníctva PU, Prešov 1;  Lekárska fakulta UPJŠ, Košice 2;  Privátna zubná prax Zurich, Švajčiarsko 3
Published in: Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 107, 2007, 5, s. 123-129


The autors on a series 354 teeth sextants of 59 patients aged 18 – 60 years with periodontitis followed up the effectiveness of a complete hygienic phase and recall on the development and extent of periodontitis, using CPITN index. CPITN index was found decreased between the first and follow up visit. Between control visit and recall the increase of CPITN index was observed. Introduction of the hygienic phase in oral hygiene caused an impact on the sanitary condition of periodontium. Therefore, the authors recommend the hygienic phase as an integral part of the treatment plan in each patient.

Key words:
dental hygienist - patient with periodontitis - recall - hygienic phase - CPITN index - state of periodontium

Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicine
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