Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 6/2021
Original Article
Antibiotics and the quality indicators for outpatient antibiotic use in Slovakia
Tomáš Tesař, Lucia Masaryková, Slávka Porubcová, Monika Čičová, Miloš Okša, Kristína Malíková, Ubica Lehocká
Phenylpropanoids and flavonoid from Helichrysum petiolare Hilliard & B. L. Burtt
Renata Kubínová, Marcela Nejezchlebová, Markéta Gazdová, Mária Gáborová, Ivana Várady, Lenka Molčanová
Preformulation design of PLGA particulate system for multi-day drug delivery of the antidepressant mirtazapine
Martina Holická, Jan Muselík, Martina Kejdušová, Miroslava Pavelková, Kateřina Kubová, Petr Doležel, David Vetchý, Vratislav Košťál, Jakub Vysloužil, Josef Mašek
History of Pharmacy
Supply of medicines in the Terezín ghetto
Tomáš Arndt, František Dohnal
Summaries of Lectures
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2021 Issue 6
Most read in this issue
- Supply of medicines in the Terezín ghetto
- Antibiotics and the quality indicators for outpatient antibiotic use in Slovakia
- XLII. pracovní den Radiofarmaceutické sekce ČSNM
- Preformulation design of PLGA particulate system for multi-day drug delivery of the antidepressant mirtazapine