Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 5/2017
Review Articles
Active substances from marine organisms in clinical trials and practice
D. Mareček, PharmDr. Jana Rudá-Kučerová, PhD.
Herbs for increasing breast-milk production
Zuzana Vargová, Jana Rudá-Kučerová
Original Articles
Fatty acid composition of lipids of Iris sibirica
Olga Mykhailenko, Vladimir Kovalyov, Sergey Kovalyov, Erika Toryanik, Tatyana Osolodchenko, Yurii Buidin
Development of the composition of intramammary combined preparation based on silver citrate for veterinary use
Zhanna Polova, Lyudmyla Almakayeva, Tetiana Nehoda
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia refractery to therapy of cyclosporine A in clinical practice – case report
Lucia Schwarzová, Zdenko Pirník, Natália Štecová
Summaries of Lectures
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2017 Issue 5
Most read in this issue
- Herbs for increasing breast-milk production
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenia refractery to therapy of cyclosporine A in clinical practice – case report
- Active substances from marine organisms in clinical trials and practice
- Development of the composition of intramammary combined preparation based on silver citrate for veterinary use