Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - Issue 4/2016
Review Articles
Constituents of the leaves of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.
Vladimír Forman, Daniel Grančai, Branislav Horváth
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of bitter compounds: recent knowledge and perspective
Milan Nagy, Pavel Mučaji
Use of plant extracts as an efficient alternative therapy of respiratory tract infections*
Karel Šmejkal, Veronika Rjašková
Original Articles
Phenolic compounds in leaves insertions of Mentha × villosa Huds. cv. Snežná
Daniela Tekeľová, Silvia Bittner Fialová, Jaroslav Tóth, Szilvia Czigle
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2016 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Use of plant extracts as an efficient alternative therapy of respiratory tract infections*
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of bitter compounds: recent knowledge and perspective
- Phenolic compounds in leaves insertions of Mentha × villosa Huds. cv. Snežná
- Constituents of the leaves of Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.