Acute intoxications with medications in children and the role of pharmacist in the National toxicological information center
Erik Puchoň; Blažena Cagáňová; Silvia Plačková
Authors‘ workplace:
Národné toxikologické informačné centrum, Klinika pracovného lekárstva a toxikológie, Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava, Slovensko
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2024; 73, 176-179
For the Practice of a Clinical Pharmacist
Acute intoxications with medications in children and the role of pharmacist in the National toxicological information center
National Toxicological Information Center (NTIC) provides 24 hours telephone consultation service in acute intoxications for physicians, health care providers and general public. More than half of all consulted intoxications provided by NTIC belong to the group of children younger than 18 years old. Children 3 years old and younger were the main group of consulted intoxications in all children. Intoxications in children with the age up to 5 years old are often accidental intoxications without any or only mild symptoms. Older children and adolescents are more often consulted due to the suicidal attempt with moderate or severe symptoms. Chemicals, medications and plants were the most often consulted in children aged up to 18-years old during period 2018-2022. Pharmacist has complex knowledge of various scientific disciplines. Pharmacist is valuable health care provider in NTIC as well as in various sectors of health care in society.
intoxication – child – medication – pharmacist.
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2024 Issue 3
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