Metronomic therapy in the treatment of cancer

Authors: Dana Mazánková;  Veronika Bárková;  Pavel Mazánek
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2022; 71, 91-97
Category: Review Articles
doi: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.5817/CSF2022-3-91


Metronomic therapy is a therapeutic method in selected oncological diseases, using long-term administration of low doses of drugs with direct or indirect antitumor effect. In addition, to direct cytotoxic eradication of tumor cells, metronomic therapy can very strongly affect the tumor microenvironment; it also has an immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic effect. Its minimal toxic profile allows for use in patients with severe organ dysfunctions and directly impacts the quality of life and social inclusion of oncological patients.


toxicity – resistance – metronomic therapy – antiangiogenic effect – immunomodulatory effect


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