Possibilities of using sodium hyaluronate in pharmaceutical and medical fields
Veronika Pechová; Jan Gajdziok
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2017; 66, 154-159
Review Articles
Sodium hyaluronate represents a contemporary biomaterial with broad use in different pharmaceutical and medical fields. It is a physiological glycosaminoglycan, which occurs primarily in the extracellular matrix, synovial fluid, cartilage, epidermis and vitreous body. It plays a critical role as a signalling molecule in immunological processes, cell motility and wound healing, and it possesses antioxidant activity. It is used in many fields of medicine if supplementation of hyaluronan is needed or in the cases of preventive and therapeutic interventions. Thanks to its moisturizing, regenerative and protective effects it is used in cosmetics as well.
Key words:
sodium hyaluronate • hyaluronic acid • hyaluronan • derivatives of sodium hyaluronate • dosage forms • medicinal use
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Addictology Clinical biochemistry Paediatric clinical oncology Paediatric psychiatry Diabetology Endocrinology Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology Intensive Care Medicine Internal medicine General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults Psychiatry Toxicology Pharmaceutical assistantArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2017 Issue 4
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