Pharmaceutical history of capuchin monastery in Prague-Hradčan
Part II. Capuchin balsam (Balsamum capucinorum)
Karel Nesměrák; Jana Kunešová
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení starších českých dějin
; Katedra analytické chemie
; Národní muzeum, Historické muzeum
; Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2015; 64, 95-99
History of Pharmacy
The history of traditional capuchin balsam is the focal point of the second part of the article on the unknown history of pharmacy at the capuchin monastery in Prague-Hradčany. Capuchin balsam, a medicinal speciality, was being manufactured in the monastery from the end of the 18th century till the year 1950. It is a spirit tincture, its prescription originating from the formulation by Oswald Croll. Balsamum Peruvianum, Gummiresina myrrha, Gummiresina olibanum, and Styrax are the main ingredients, besides assorted plants. The balsam was taken as an antiseptic, antiphlogistic, and analgesic. The balsam was a favoured rustic medicine, and it was sold also abroad (Germany, Poland, USA, Ireland, Belgium). The profit made from the sale of the balsam supported the reconstruction and the maintenance of the monastery and the local theological studies. Other medical formulations connected with the name of the capuchin order are also mentioned.
Key words:
pharmaceutical history • capuchins • capuchin balsam • monastics pharmacies
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2015 Issue 3
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Pharmaceutical history of capuchin monastery in Prague-Hradčan
Part II. Capuchin balsam (Balsamum capucinorum)