Formulation of benzethonium chloride into gels
Jozef Čižmárik; Zuzana Vitková; Petra Herdová; Alexandra Kodadová; Daniel Vími
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2014; 63, 123-126
Original Articles
This study is focused on the preparation of gels with antimicrobial effects. A quaternary ammonium salt, benzethonium chloride, in a concentration of 0.01–0.5% (w/w) was employed as the drug. The humectant employed was propylene glycol in concentrations of 5% and 10% (w/w). Two types of polymers, chitosan and hydroxyethyl cellulose, in the same concentrations of 2.5% (w/w), were used for gel preparation. Finally the flow properties, rheological parameters and pH values of the gels were evaluated. Based on the obtained results, the samples of the gels prepared on the basis of chitosan and hydroxyethyl cellulose, which have the following optimum composition shown below, were found:
2,5% (w/w) CHIT + 0,5% (w/w) BZCl + 10% (w/w) PG;
2,5% (w/w) HEC + 0,5% (w/w) BZCl + 5% (w/w) PG.
benzethonium chloride • chitosan • hydroxyethyl cellulose • rheological properties
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2014 Issue 3
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