Determination of airborne and surface contamination with cyclophosphamide at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
Lucie Gorná 1; Pavel Odráška 1,2; Lenka Doležalová 1; Pavel Piler 2; Michal Oravec 2; Luděk Bláha 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno
1; Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Přírodovědecká fakulta, RECETOX (Výzkumné centrum pro toxické látky v prostředí)
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2011; 60, 25-31
Original Articles
Manipulation with cytotoxic drugs (CDs) during the preparation and administration of chemotherapy to cancer patients can potentially lead to contamination of working areas and consequently to occupational exposure of hospital staff. This study aimed to assess the potential of inhalation and dermal contact with CDs. For this purpose, distribution of the marker drug (cyclophosphamide, CP) in the working environment of the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (Czech Republic) was studied. The study determined airborne and surface contamination of the hospital pharmacy and the outpatient clinic. Determination of airborne contamination was based on active stationary sampling of air using a PTFE filter, an impinger filled with distilled water and two solid sorbent tubes (Anasorb 708 and Strata-X) as sampling devices. Surface contamination was determined by the wipe sampling method. The airborne contamination was rare and the concentrations were many times lower than the maximal value calculated from the vapour pressure (0.36 mg/m3 at 20 °C). Detectable airborne CP was found in Strata-X samples collected at the outpatient clinic (n = 5, all samples positive at concentrations from 0.3 to 4.3 ng/m3). Surface contamination was determined at 75% of wipe samples (n = 65) with a median concentration of 750 ng/m2. In conclusion, inhalation of CDs seems to be of low importance at our hospital, which is up to the standard specified by current legislation (drug preparation performed in a clean room equipped with negative pressure isolators). The main proportion of contamination was present on the surfaces at all workplaces studied. Consequently, attention should be given to the elimination of the sources of surface contamination and to the prevention of dermal contact with contaminated material.
Key word:
cytotoxic drugs – cyclophosphamide – occupational exposure – surface contamination – airborne contamination
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

2011 Issue 1
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