On the content of the national section of the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009
J. Šubert
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2010; 59, 4-6
Review Articles
In comparison with the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2005 and its Supplements, the national section of the Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 does not include any really substantial changes; its content confirms the stagnation in this field of pharmacopoeial work in the Czech Republic. The paper highlights several changes, discusses possible causes of the unsatisfactory state of the updating of the national section of the Czech Pharmacopoeia and stresses the necessity of its solution.
Key words:
Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 – national section – formulation of medicinal preparations in pharmacies
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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2010 Issue 1
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