Long-term Pharmacological Treatment of Obesity in 2002: A Pharmacoeconomic View
I. Minarčíková
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústavní lékárna Fakultní nemocnice, Brno
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2003; , 258-261
A growing number of obese people throughout the world have become a health-economic problem.Obesity and overweight are significant risk factors causing increased morbidity and mortality inobese people. Nevertheless, a marked improvement in the prognosis is achieved by a 5–10 %decrease in body weight 1). Since 1 July 2002, two preparations for long-term therapy of obesity havebeen registered in the Czech Republic: Xenical (orlistat) and Meridia (sibutramin). Long-termrandomized double-blind studies have shown that a decrease of 4.4 kg in weight within a year isachieved by 10 mg sibutramin administration, a decrease of 3.2–6.4 kg in weight within a year isachieved by 15 mg sibutramin administration, a decrease of 7.4–9.1 kg in weight within a year isachieved by orlistat administration, and placebo administration causes changes in weight rangingfrom -6.5 kg to +0.94 kg. A cost-to-effectiveness comparison has revealed that in one year the directcosts (ORC) of a decrease in body weight by 1 kg after deduction of the placebo effect make 9 817CZK to 22 078 CZK (the supplementary payment of the patient being 2698 CZK to 7722 CZK) insibutramin treatment, and 9101 CZK to 13 085 CZK (the supplementary payment of the patientbeing 632 CZK to 909 CZK) in orlistat treatment.
Key words:
obesity – sibutramin – orlistat – effectiveness – costs
Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2003 Issue 5
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