Microperimetry in the Wet Form of Age – Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)
J. Sokolová Šidlová; S. Synek; E. Žampachová; P. Beneš; J. Matušová
Authors‘ workplace:
Brno, vedoucí pracoviště
doc. MUDr. Svatopluk Synek, CSc.
; Katedra optometrie a ortoptiky LF MU
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Oftal., 70, 2014, No. 1, p. 15-20
Original Article
Aim of the paper is to introduce and evaluate the microperimetry as a support technique in the evaluation of the ARMD wet form bevacizumab (Avastin) treatment efficacy.
Twenty-one patients (21 eyes) with ARMD wet form were included in the study; they were examined by means by OCT/SLO (optic coherence tomography / scanning laser ophthalmoscope) machine whose part is the microperimetric test. In each patient, there were two microperimetric examinations performed – the first one was done one day before the application of the treatment and the second one one month after the application. The values of retinal sensitivity and possible absolute scotomas were recorded by the microperimeter. The best-corrected visual acuity measurement was recorded as well.
The measurements were performed in the group of 21 eyes of 8 men and 13 women (age 50 – 86 years). There were the differences between the genders evaluated (at the selected level of significance of 0.05) in the following categories: age, retinal sensitivity, absolute scotoma extent, and visual acuity. Differences among men and women were found in retinal sensitivity, before the treatment and after it as well. The influence of the gender we may exclude, except the category of retinal sensitivity. In the categories age, visual acuity, and even absolute scotoma extent, no differences between genders were found.
The retinal sensitivity (in case of fixation up to 4 degrees) improved in the men group from 14.49 dB ± 2.44 dB to 15.65 dB ± 2.61 dB, in the women group from 10.47 dB ± 3.11 dB to 12.05 dB ± 3.10 dB. The visual acuity in the whole group (men + women) increased from 0.48 ± 0.17 to 0.60 ± 0.18, so improved by 12 %. Statistically significant is also the result of the treatment in the absolute scotoma.
Microperimetry is a suitable method to evaluate the function of macular region of the retina. The study confirms, that the treatment of wet form ARMD by means of intravitreal bevacizumab injections significantly increases the retinal sensitivity (in dB), decreases of the extent of absolute scotoma and improves the visual acuity by 12 %.
Key words:
microperimetry, ARMD, Avastine, retinal sensitivity, visual acuity, absolute scotoma
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OphthalmologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

2014 Issue 1
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