Analysis of Reasons of Intraocular Lenses Explantation
M. Veselá; D. Baráková; A. Lenčová
Authors‘ workplace:
Evropská oční klinika Lexum, Praha, lékařská ředitelka doc. MUDr. Zuzana Hlinomazová, Ph. D.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Oftal., 69, 2013, No. 4, p. 170-173
Original Article
Prezentováno na kongresu ČSRKCH 2011 v Ostravě
To analyze the reasons of intraocular lenses (IOL) explantation.
Retrospective study of 22 eyes of 21 patients. Those patients underwent explantation of intraocular lenses between the years 2008 to 2011. The study group included two eye groups. Group A included eyes with exptanted monofocal IOL (14 eyes of 13 patients) and group B included eyes with explanted multifocal IOL (8 eyes of 7 patients). Reasons requiring explantation were analyzed based on subjective patient complaints and on objective ocular findings in health documentation as well.
The most common indications of explantation in Group A of monofocal lenses were incorrect IOL power, followed by IOL luxation, decentration and IOL opacity. In Group B of multifocal IOL, the most common reasons for IOL removing were halo and glare, inadequate postoperative expectations and incorrect IOL power.
The main reason for IOL exchange in Group A of monofocal lenses was the incorrect power, while in Group B of multifocal IOL the main reason were the disturbing photic phenomenon like glare and halo. Careful patient selection, good surgical technique, optimally selected IOL power measurements based on precise biometry readings as well high quality of IOL materials are the most important factors in minimizing the risk for IOL explantation.
Key words:
cataract operation, explantation, intraocular lens
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OphthalmologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

2013 Issue 4
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