A Comprehensive Nationwide Evaluation of Stroke Centres in the Czech Republic Performing Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke in 2016
O. Volný 1,2; M. Bar 3,4; A. Krajina 5; P. Cimflová 2,6; L. Kašičková 4; R. Herzig 7; D. Šaňák 8; O. Škoda 9,10; A. Tomek 11; D. Školoudík 12; D. Václavík 13; J. Neumann 14; M. Köcher 15; M. Roček 16; R. Pádr 16; F. Cihlář 17; R. Mikulík 1,2
Authors‘ workplace:
1. neurologická klinika
LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
1; ICRC – Mezinárodní centrum klinického
výzkumu, FN u sv. Anny v Brně
2; Komplexní cerebrovaskulární centrum
FN Ostrava
3; Katedra neurologie a psychiatrie
LF OU v Ostravě
4; Radiologická klinika LF UK
a FN Hradec Králové
5; Klinika zobrazovacích metod
LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
6; Komplexní cerebrovaskulární centrum
Neurologická klinika LF UK
a FN Hradec Králové
7; Komplexní cerebrovaskulární centrum
Neurologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
8; Neurologická klinika 3. LF UK
a FN Královské Vinohrady, Praha
9; Neurologické oddělení
Nemocnice Jihlava
10; Neurologická klinika
2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha
11; Centrum vědy a výzkumu
FZV UP v Olomouci
12; Neurologické oddělení
Vítkovická nemocnice a. s., Ostrava
13; Neurologické oddělení, Krajská zdravotní
a. s., Nemocnice Chomutov, o. z.
14; Radiologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
15; Klinika zobrazovacích metod
2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha
16; Oddělení radiologie, Krajská zdravotní
a. s., Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí nad
Labem, o. z.
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2017; 80/113(4): 445-450
Original Paper
Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) has been established as a standard of care in acute ischaemic stroke. We systematically evaluated all stroke centres conducting MT in the Czech Republic.
An online questionnaire based on the International Multi-Society Consensus Document was distributed to all such centres to monitor all the procedures in 2016. It includes 64 questions on imaging, logistic and training standards related to MT.
Complete data were obtained from all 15 comprehensive stroke centres. Local operating procedures are used in 14 centres. Specialised stroke units are available in all centres, 24/7 CT is available in all centres and 24/7 MRI in 11 centres. Admission imaging in a time window < 6 hours includes: CT/CTA in 11, CT/CTA/CTP in 6, MRI/MRA in 2 centres; after 6 hours from the symptoms: CT/CTA is performed in 7, CT/CTA/CTP in 14, MRI/MRA in 5 centres. Early ischaemic changes are evaluated before neuro-intervention in all centres and collaterals are scored in 8 centres. Interventionalists are available 24/7 in all centres. Door-to-groin time < 60 min is monitored in 14 and door-to-reperfusion < 90 min in 10 centres. Analgosedation is preferred over general anaesthesia in all centres. Fourteen centres enter data into a registry (SITS-TBY). 1,053 MTs (range: 17–136/centre) were performed in 2016. There are 49 neuro-interventional trainees and 64 interventionalists providing MT in 2016.
The Czech Republic has a high availability of expertise to perform MT in acute ischaemic stroke. Nevertheless, there is a high variability among the centers. Thus, the next step should be regular quality monitoring and evaluation of patients’ data.
Key words:
mechanical thrombectomy – acute stroke – questionnaire – nationwide evaluation
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
Chinese summary - 摘要
所有数据来自15个综合脑卒中中心,其中14个中心使用当地操作程序。所有中心都有专门的脑卒中单位,所有中心均提供24/7 CT,11个中心提供24/7 MRI。允许的6小时以内的时窗成像包括:11个中心的CT/CTA、6个中心的CT/CTA/CTP和2个中心的MRI/MRA;症状发生6小时后:7个中心的CT/CTA、14个中心的CT/CTA/CTP和5个中心的MRI/MRA。所有中心在神经干预之前进行早期缺血性改变评估,并在8个中心进行评分。所有中心24/7可介入。在14中心监测腹壁至腹股沟时间<60分钟,并在10个中心监测腹壁至再灌注<90分钟。所有中心认为进行止痛镇静比进行全身麻醉好,14个中心将数据传入登记处(SITS-TBY)。2016年共执行1,053个MT(范围:17-136个/中心),共有49个神经介入实习生和64个介入医师提供MT。
捷克共和国在急性缺血性卒中方面有很高的专业性来进行MT。尽管如此,这些中心之间的差异也很大。 因此,下一步应定期对患者数据进行质量监测和评估。
机械性血栓切除术 - 急性脑卒中 - 问卷调查 - 全国性评估
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