Detection of Microembolisation with the Use of Transcranial Doppler Sonography
P. Reková; J. Bauer
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická klinika, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. lékařská fakulta a Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2009; 72/105(1): 30-37
Review Article
Cerebrovascular accidents are the second or third most common cause of death in advanced countries. In order to provide effective treatment, including primary and secondary prevention of strokes, a thorough knowledge of their ethiopathogenesis is needed. A frequent cause of a cerebrovascular accident is embolization. One of the advantages of transcranial doppler sonography is the possibility, with long term monitoring, to detect even asymptomatic microemboli in cerebral circulation. The first part of the article gives an overview of the history of microembolization detection using the ultrasound; the second part provides an introduction to the technical background of this investigative method, along with its disadvantages. The sub section on clinical aspects of the detection of microemboli deals with current and future trends of the method and shows its possible clinical application.
Key words:
cerebrovascular accidents – transcranial doppler sonography – embolization – microembolic signal
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