Clinical Osteology - Issue 4/2018
Eighteen months of teriparatide treatment leads to improvement of bone mineral density and trabecular bone score in patients with glucocorticoids induced osteoporosis: the results from prospective follow-up (registry
Payer Juraj, Tomková Soňa, Killinger Zdenko, Brázdilová Kristina, Jackuliak Peter, Vaňuga Peter, Letkovská Alexandra, Masaryk Pavol, Kmečová Zlata, Kužma Martin
Osteoporosis and fractures in multiple sclerosis: pathogenesis, risk factors, treatment options, and prevention
Zikán Vít, Kvasničková Ivana, Týblová Michaela
Incidence of hip fractures in Slovakia in 2000–2016
MUDr. Masaryk Pavol, CSc.
The role of vitamin D in the treatment of secondary osteoporosis in cancer patients
Špániková Beata, Špánik Stanislav
Clinical perspective of RANK/RANKL/OPG system components in rheumatoid arthritis
Gažová Andrea, Kužma Martin, Killinger Zdenko, Payer Juraj, Kyselovič Ján
An interdisciplinary approach to a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Janečková Paulína, Liščak Boris, Kokavec Milan
Clinical Osteology

2018 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Clinical perspective of RANK/RANKL/OPG system components in rheumatoid arthritis
- An interdisciplinary approach to a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Incidence of hip fractures in Slovakia in 2000–2016
- Osteoporosis and fractures in multiple sclerosis: pathogenesis, risk factors, treatment options, and prevention