Acetabuloplasty in therapy of severe dysplasia of the hip: case report
Rendek Pavol; Halas Matúš; Kubičková Paulína; Bevilaqua Jana; Kokavec Milan
Authors‘ workplace:
Ortopedická klinika LF UK a Národný ústav detských chorôb, Bratislava
Published in:
Clinical Osteology 2024; 29(1-2): 25-28
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a prearthrotic hip defect requiring therapy from neonatal age. The Slovak population has an above-average incidence of DDH, which is why hip screening using the triple-screen method has been introduced in the Slovak Republic. When the most severe form of dysplasia is detected – hip luxation and obstructions preventing the reposition of the femoral head into the acetabulum, surgical treatment is indicated. During surgery, evacuation of the acetabulum is performed, i.e. removal of all repositioning obstacles. Subsequently, a Dega acetabuloplasty and capsuloplasty are performed. In some cases, the femur has to be derotated and shortened to ensure hip stability. In our case report, we publish the operative course and postoperative outcome in a patient with subluxation of the femoral head and significant overgrowth of the acetabulum with fibrous adipose tissue. The patient is one year postoperatively and the acetabuloplasty provides excellent coverage of the femoral head. Hip mobility is preserved and there has been no development of avascular necrosis.
acetabuloplasty – developmental dysplasia of the hip
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Clinical biochemistry Paediatric gynaecology Paediatric radiology Paediatric rheumatology Endocrinology Gynaecology and obstetrics Internal medicine Orthopaedics General practitioner for adults Radiodiagnostics Rehabilitation Rheumatology Traumatology OsteologyArticle was published in
Clinical Osteology
2024 Issue 1-2
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- Acetabuloplasty in therapy of severe dysplasia of the hip: case report