Patient’s benefi ts from physician’s empathy and results of including of empathy development into medical training
Z. Adam 1; J. Klimeš 2; Z. Boleloucký 3; L. Pour 1; Z. Adamová 4; M. Tomíška 1; H. Marečková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní hematologická a onkologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
1; Soukromá psychologická ambulance – PhDr. Mgr. Jeroným Klimeš, Ph. D, Újezd nad Lesy
2; Psychiatrická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
3; Chirurgické oddělení, Vsetínská nemocnice a. s.
Published in:
Klin Onkol 2022; 35(5): 358-371
Background: The extent of empathy is an individual human property, not completely dependent on cognitive intelligence. People arise with certain genetic fundament for empathy but the ability to perceive empathically develops further during the life. There has been much discussion in the medical literature about the importance of empathy and physician communication style in medical practice. Empathy has been shown to have a very real positive eff ect on patient’s outcomes. The literature suggests that empathy training is warranted and should be incorporated into surgical residencies through didactics, role-playing and simulations, and apprenticeship to empathic attending role models. Purpose: This paper reviews empathy and its importance as it pertains to the physician-patient relationship and improving patient’s outcomes, and the need for increased education in empathy during medical training.
patient satisfaction – loneliness – interpersonal and communication skills – patient care – empathy
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Clinical Oncology

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