Radical Surgery and Intensive Chemotherapy Are Necessaryfor Successful Treatment of Osteosarcoma
J. Kruseová 1; H. Mottl 1; R. Kodet 2; J. Mraček 3; Z. Matějovský ml. 4; J. Schovanec 3; J. Šnajdauf 5; M. Rygl 5; I. Lišková 6; E. Kabíčková 1; J. Mališ 1; D. Sumerauer 1; E. Drahokoupilová 1; M. Ganevová 1; V. Šmelhaus 1; J. Starý 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika dětské hematologie a onkologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha 2Ústav patologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha 3Ortopedická klinika 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha 4Ortopedická klinika 1. LF UK a IPVZ FN Bulovka, Praha 5Klinika dětské chirurgie 2. LF UK a FN Mo
Published in:
Klin Onkol 2009; 22(4): 168-175
Original Articles
We evaluated the therapeutic results in 44 patients (17 girls and 27 boys) with osteosarcoma from 1997 to 2006. Their average age was 12.8 years (2.5–20.2). 41 patients had localised disease and 3 had primary metastases.
Patients and Methods:
We treated our 44 patients using CCG 7921 POG 9351 INT 0133, the therapeutic protocol of the North American cooperative Children’s Oncology Group. The median of the follow up was 5.5 years (2–11 years).
40 patients went into complete remission. 19 patients suffered relapses. Of these, 17 patients died – 15 progressed, 1 died due to treatment related toxicity, 1 died due to secondary acute myeloid leukaemia. As a whole, the patients had a 5-year overall survival rate (OS) of 58.4% and a 5-year event free survival rate (EFS) of 46.7%. The patients with localised extremity osteosarcoma (n = 40) had a 5-year EFS rate of 51%. The patients with good histological response (n = 22) had a 5-year EFS rate of 63.6%, while patients with poor histological response (n = 18) achieved a 5-year EFS rate of 30.5% (p = 0.009).
The results of treatment of patients with localised extremity osteosarcoma and patients with good histological response to preoperative treatment were very good. The prognosis of patients with axial localisation and metastatic involvement was poor.
Key words:
osteosarcoma – children – adolescents – disease detection – therapy
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Paediatric clinical oncology Surgery Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Clinical Oncology

2009 Issue 4
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