Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolism - Issue 4/2016
New trends in immunochemistry
P. Štern
Group of newly diagnosed monoclonam gammopathies in regional laboratory in 8-year period
L. Šolcová, V. Maisnar, J. Šimková
The precision and bias of measurement methods according to EP15 A3
J. Ambrožová, J. Kratochvíla
Development and implementation of method for analysis of free metanephrines in plasma by the liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for routine use in clinical laboratory.
M. Rajská, P. Procházková, D. Bartoníková, L. Weiperová, P. Loučka, J. Minář, M. Radina
Metabolism of bilirubin and its biological properties
P. Valášková, L. Muchová
Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolism

2016 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- The precision and bias of measurement methods according to EP15 A3
- Metabolism of bilirubin and its biological properties
- New trends in immunochemistry
- A comparison between ALP catalytic concentrations determined by the routine ALP measurement (Roche Diagnostics) and those obtained by the alkaline phosphatase approach (BLW Diagnostics