Triple-combination in the treatment of hypertension
J. Widimský jr.
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interní klinika 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze, Centrum pro diagnostiku a léčbu hypertenze
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2014, 16(6): 449-453
Cardiology Review
Combination of at least three antihypertensive drugs is needed in approximately 25–30% of all patients with hypertension. According to the current guidelines, the combination of a RAS blocker, calcium-channel blocker and diuretics is considered to be a combination of choice suitable for all severe forms of hypertension. The article introduces the first available fixed triple combination of perindopril-arginine, amlodipine and indapamide, which is a new option for hypertension. The article includes a brief description of characteristics, indications and clinical experience.
hypertension – combination therapy – perindopril – amlodipine – indapamide
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2014 Issue 6
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