Home monitoring of patients with atrial fibrillation
O. Ošmera; A. Bulava
Authors‘ workplace:
Kardiocentrum Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s.
1; Zdravotně sociální fakulta, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2011, 13(3): 167-173
Home Monitoring is an advanced telemonitoring system used in clinical cardiology practice in the Czech Republic during ambulatory monitoring of patients with implantable devices. The percentage of patients with atrial fibrillation, which can be both basic and complicating disease, is increasing in this population. The presence of some kinds of implantable devices offers the possibility of a remote monitoring use in more efficient management of patients with atrial fibrillation. Through Home Monitoring system health care can be individualized, asymptomatic clinical events can be detected earlier and thus prevent their negative impacts.
home monitoring – telemonitoring – atrial fibrillation – heart failure
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2011 Issue 3
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