Clinical importance of carotid artery distensibility measurement
J. Chlumský; J. Charvát
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní klinika 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2007, 9(4): 251-256
Carotid artery distensibility measurement using sonography represents simple, safe and from technical point of view easy method for detection of the very early stages of atherosclerosis. On experimental basis as well as in clinical situations it can be of good assistance for risk patients assessment, for effect of treatment evaluation but also during implementation of new medicaments.
The results of the recent studies have supported the value of distensibility examination for cardiovascular mortality as well as for risk of cerebral stroke. The current recommendation is that distensibility of carotid artery should be examined in patients suffering from high cardiovascular risk. However what exact type of examination method is preferable has not yet been concluded.
The pathogenesis of distensibility is also discussed in the paper as well as its changes by the influence of diabetes, of hypertension, of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment. The main advantage of distensibility evaluation using carotid artery sonography is availability of this examination as far as the ultrasound apparatus with the appropriate parameters are generally used.
Key words:
distensibility – karotid artery - sonography
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Cardiology Review

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