Drug eluting stents – mechanisms of action and current indications
S. Šimek; J. Horák; P. Kuchynka; M. Škvařilová; J. Humhal; V. Mrázek; V. Danzig; M. Aschermann
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika kardiologie a angiologie l. LF a VFN, Praha
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2005, 7(3): 144-150
Restenosis is after the coronary angioplasty the main limiting factor for this method of myocardial revascularization. After the implantation of coronary stents the occurrence of restenosis went down to ½. To a significant decrease of restenosis finally comes now, after the use of drug eluting stents (DES). Drug eluting stents have both – a positive mechanical action of stents on recoil and artery remodelling with a local application of drugs which inhibit neointimal hyperproliferation. This way it influences all 3 parts of the restenosis process at the same time. Currently there are available results of a 3-year-long monitoring of patients after DES implantation. During this medium-term monitoring has been proved that the implantation of drug eluting stents is safe. A low occurrence of restenosis continues during the whole time of monitoring; this results in lowered need of repeated revascularization of intervened artery in approx. 80 % of all patients’ subgroups. DES potency has been so far proved in lesion up to 46 mm; in native coronary arteries greater than 2.5 mm. Ostial lesions, calcified lesions, bifurcation lesions and lesions in bypasses have so far been excluded from randomized studies. Studies to verify drug eluting stents applicability in these indications are being conducted at present. Until now a direct proof of a favourable influence of drug eluting stents in acute coronary syndromes is missing. According to the data from registers it seems that drug eluting stents significantly decrease the occurrence of cardiac events even during acute infarction and unstable angina pectoris. Higher potency of drug eluting stents is reflected in their price, which is 2-3 times higher than the price of metallic stents. From the price efficiency point of view it is most convenient to implant drug eluting stents in patients with high risk of restenosis, where the highest absolute decrease of restenosis risk can be expected. DES use is also suitable in lesions which have an extreme importance for the patient’s prognosis, for example when treating the last transit artery or when treating the stem of the left coronary artery. This is the source for indicating criteria for implantation of DES defined by the Czech Cardiology Society. With regard to the recent increase in payments for drug eluting stents by the General Health Insurance Company and with regard to their expected price decrease, the use of drug eluting stents will surely soon spread over the Czech republic.
Key words:
DES, drug eluting stents, coronary angioplasty, restenosis
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