Comparison of hypertension treatment at an internal clinic of a teaching hospital, an internal ward of a small hospital and a specialized cardiology clinic
J. Špinar; O. Ludka; J. Svoboda; Z. Pozdíšek; V. Musil; V. Biel; E. Dvořáková; R. Miklík; M. Šebo; A. Tomášek
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní kardiologická klinika, FN Brno, pracoviště Bohunice
ve spolupráci s interním oddělením Nemocnice Tišnov
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2005, 7(2): 83-89
The authors present a comparison of hypertension check and treatment at an internal clinic of a Faculty hospital, at a small internal ward in the same district and a specialized cardiology clinic. A check of patients leaving reports was carried out, of hypertonics hospitalized in both first above mentioned types of facilities in 2002 and complemented by cardiology clinic in 2004. 2371 first hospitalizations at internal clinic, 1345 first hospitalizations at Tišnov hospital and 898 first hospitalizations at cardiology clinic were analyzed. Hypertension as the most frequent diagnosis occurred in both cases in almost 60 %, average age of the hypertonics 71, 70 and 67. The most frequent form of hypertension was in both facilities identified as the isolated systolic hypertension in the very same percentage.
The most frequently prescribed antihypertensives were ACE-inhibitors, the most frequent two-combinations were ACE-inhibitors with diuretics and ACE-inhibitors with beta blockers. Patients come to small hospital with higher blood pressure than to clinic and they are released with blood pressure of ≥ 140/90 and more in considerably higher percentage than from a clinical ward.
Key words:
hypertension – antihypertensives – ACE-inhibitors
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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery CardiologyArticle was published in
Cardiology Review

2005 Issue 2
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