Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - Issue 4/2017
Special article
Anaesthesiology - Original Paper
Preoperative assessment using mobile technologies in the Czech Republic – are our patients ready for it?
Prospective, observational, multicentre, cross-sectional study
Prospective, observational, multicentre, cross-sectional study
T. Pařízek, R. Gál, J. Hložková, P. Neumann, J. Škola, R. Škulec, P. Štourač, R. Urbanec, T. Vymazal, Černý V.
Rapid sequence induction in the Czech Republic 2016: Survey
J. Klučka, P. Štourač, I. Křikava, R. Štoudek, M. Ťoukálková, P. Michálek, Černý V., Studijní Skupina Rsi V Čr
Successful reversal of cardiac arrest in the course of remifentanil obstetric analgesia using naloxone: Case report and retrospective audit
A. Aboši, I. Křikava, L. Gábor, J. Klučka, K. Aboši, H. Harazim, M. Kosinová, H. Zelinková, P. Štourač
Intensive Care Medicine - Review Article
Atrial fibrillation in critically ill patients
M. Harazím, T. Karvunidis, J. Raděj, J. Horák, I. Novák, M. Matějovič
Aspiration of gastric contents while using the i-gel laryngeal mask: Case report of three cases
T. Henlín, P. Derevjaník, T. Belšan, T. Tyll
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2017 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Rapid sequence induction in the Czech Republic 2016: Survey
- Aspiration of gastric contents while using the i-gel laryngeal mask: Case report of three cases
- Atrial fibrillation in critically ill patients
Preoperative assessment using mobile technologies in the Czech Republic – are our patients ready for it?
Prospective, observational, multicentre, cross-sectional study