Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - Issue 5/2014
Anaesthesiology - Original Paper
OBAAMA-CZ group: Anaesthesia for minor surgery in the postpartum period – Czech prospective national survey
Štourač Petr, Bláha Jan, Nosková Pavlína, Klozová Radka, Seidlová Dagmar, Jarkovský Jiří, Zelinková Hana, Obaama-Cz Studijní Skupina
Anaesthesiology - Case Reports
Management of anaesthesia in a parturient with acute aorticdissection
Leitgeb Marián, Šmrha Radim, Tesařík Richard, Zmeko Dušan
Intesive Care Medicine - Case Report
Theophylline poisoning – case report and review of literature
Zimmer Michal, Šrámek Vladimír, Suk Pavel
Intesive Care Medicine - Special Article
New direct oral anticoagulants (NOAC) – solutions to potential problems with coagulation assessment
Kvasnička Jan, Malíková Ivana
Postgraduate Education - Didactic Radiology
Delayed manifestation of traumatic diaphragmatic rupture – case report
Dvořák Petr, Hoffmann Petr, Lochman Petr
Postgraduate education - ECHO didactics
Postgraduate education - Selected Topics in Clinical Physiology
New international guidelines and recommendations
Triage strategy for urgent management of cardiac tamponade
Vladimír Černý
CSIM Recommendations
Recommendation for analgesia and sedation of adult patients in intensive care
Pracovní Skupina:, Černý Vladimír, Gabrhelík Tomáš, Herold Ivan, Mach Dušan, Matějovič Martin, Stibor Bronislav
Medicine Law
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2014 Issue 5
Most read in this issue
- New direct oral anticoagulants (NOAC) – solutions to potential problems with coagulation assessment
- Theophylline poisoning – case report and review of literature
- Recommendation for analgesia and sedation of adult patients in intensive care
- Triage strategy for urgent management of cardiac tamponade