Year 2021 in review – Perioperative pain therapy
J. Málek
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika anesteziologie a resuscitace 3. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady, Praha
Published in:
Anest. intenziv. Med., 32, 2021, č. 6, s. 265-270
Review Articles
The article highlights and discusses several current topics that have been published in the field of acute pain therapy last year. It summarizes the current publications concerning systemic analgesia, organisation of pain therapy and international guidelines concerning acute pain therapy.
postoperative pain – international guidelines – perioperative analgesia – pain intensity predictors – retraction of published articles
1. SUKL. Informační dopis – Metamizol: Riziko léky indukovaného poškození jater. 15. 12. 2020. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z:‑dopis‑metamizol‑riziko‑leky‑indukovaneho.
2. Wei J, Wood MJ, Dubreuil M, Tomasson G, LaRochelle MR, Zeng C, et al. Association of tramadol with risk of myocardial infarction among patients with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2020 Feb;28(2):137–145. doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2019. 10. 001.
3. Xie J, Strauss VY, Martinez‑Laguna D, Carbonell‑Abella C, Diez‑Perez A, Nogues X, et al. Association of Tramadol vs Codeine Prescription Dispensation With Mortality and Other Adverse Clinical Outcomes. JAMA. 2021 Oct 19;326(15):1504–1515. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.15255.
4. Ou LB, Azoulay L, Reynier P, Platt RW, Yoon S, Grad R, et al. Tramadol versus codeine and the short‑ term risk of cardiovascular events in patients with non‑ cancer pain: A population‑based cohort study. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 2. doi: 10.1111/bcp.15099. Epub ahead of print.
5. Verret M, Lauzier F, Zarychanski R, Perron C, Savard X, Pinard AM, et al. Perioperative use of gabapentinoids for the management of postoperative acute pain: A systematic review and meta -analysis. Anesthesiology 2020;133:265–279. doi: https://doi. org/10.1097/ ALN.0000000000003428.
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7. Joshi GP, Kehlet H. Meta‑analyses of gabapentinoids for pain management after knee arthroplasty: A caveat emptor? A narrative review. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2021 Aug;65(7):865–869. doi: 10.1111/aas.13820.
8. Foo I, Macfarlane AJR, Srivastava D, et al. The use of intravenous lidocaine for postoperative pain and recovery: international consensus statement on efficacy and safety. Anaesthesia 2021;76:238–250.
9. Pandit JJ, McGuire N. Unlicensed intravenous lidocaine for postoperative pain: always a safer ‘licence to stop’ than to start. Anaesthesia 2021;76:156–60.
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11. Dubowitz J, Toner A, Riedel B, Corcoran T. The use of intravenous lidocaine for postoperative pain and recovery. Anaesthesia. 2021 May;76(5):719–720. doi: 10.1111/ anae.15400. Epub 2021
12. Moyano J, Giraldo SP, Thola LM. Use of intravenous lidocaine for postoperative pain and recovery. Anaesthesia. 2021 May;76(5):721. doi: 10.1111/anae.15434. Epub 2021 Feb 16.
13. Hollmann MW, Hermanns H, Kranke P, Durieux ME. Intravenous lidocaine: it’s all about a risk‑benefit analysis. Anaesthesia 2021. Epub. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z:
14. Smith AF, Foo I. The use of intravenous lidocaine for postoperative pain and recovery: a reply. Anaesthesia. 2021 May;76(5):722. doi: 10.1111/anae.15455. Epub 2021
15. Roofthooft E, Joshi GP, Rawal N, et al. PROSPECT guideline forelective caesarean section: updated systematic review and procedure‑ specific postoperative pain management recommendations. Anaesthesia 2020;76:665–680.
16. Marr R. PROSPECT guideline for elective caesarean section and the administration of dexamethasone. Anaesthesia 2021. Epub 15 April. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z:
17. Roofthooft E, Joshi GP, Rawal N, Van de Velde M. PROSPECT guideline for elective caesarean section: a reply. Anaesthesia. 2021 Sep;76(9):1280–1281. doi: 10.1111/ anae.15496. Epub 2021 Apr 23.
18. Joshi GP, Van de Velde M, Kehlet H, et al. Development of evidence‑based recommendations for procedure‑ specific pain management: PROSPECT methodology. Anaesthesia 2019;74:1298–1304.
19. Bell RF. Ketamine for pain management. 17th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z:, on demand access.
20. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA requiring Boxed Warning updated to improve safe use of benzodiazepine drug class. Published September 23, 2020. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z:‑safety‑and‑availability/ fdarequiring‑boxed‑warning‑updated‑improve‑safeuse‑benzodiazepine‑drug‑class.
21. Hirschtritt ME, Olfson M, Kroenke K. Balancing the Risks and Benefits of Benzodiazepines. JAMA. 2021 Jan 26;325(4):347–348. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.22106.
22. FDA. 16. 10. 2020. FDA recommends avoiding use of NSAIDs in pregnancy at 20 weeks or later because they can result in low amniotic fluid | FDA.
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24. Levy N, Raghunathan K, Lobo DN. De‑ implementation of extended‑ release opioids from peri‑operative pathways. Anaesthesia. 2021 Dec;76(12):1559–1562. doi: 10.1111/ anae.15487.
25. Awadalla R, Liu S, Kemp‑Casey A, et al. Impact of an Australian/New Zealand organisational position statement on extended release opioid prescribing among surgical inpatients: a dualcentre before‑and‑after study. Anaesthesia 2021. ANAE.2020.01565.
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30. Porter KM, Dayan AD, Dickerson S, Middleton PM. The role of inhaled methoxyflurane in acute pain management. Open Access Emerg Med. 2018;10:149–164. Published 2018 Oct 18. doi:10.2147/OAEM.S181222.
31. Anger M, Valovska T, Beloeil H, et al. PROSPECT guideline for total hip arthroplasty: systematic review and procedure‑specific postoperative pain management recommendations. Anaesthesia 2021. Epub. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z: https://doi. org/10.1111/anae.15498.
32. Abdallah FW, McCartney CJL. Recommendations for total hip arthroplasty pain management: what’s old, what’s new and what continues to be missing? Anaesthesia. 2021 Aug;76(8):1018–1020. doi: 10.1111/anae.15502.
33. Wainwright TW, Gill M, McDonald DA, Middleton RG, Reed M, Sahota O, Yates P, Ljungqvist O. Consensus statement for perioperative care in total hip replacement and total knee replacement surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations. Acta Orthop. 2020 Feb;91(1):3–19. doi: 10.1080/17453674.2019.1683790. Epub 2019 Oct 30. Update in: Acta Orthop. 2020 Feb 14:1.
34. Debono B, Wainwright TW, Wang MY, Sigmundsson FG, Yang MMH, Smid‑Nanninga H, Bonnal A, Le Huec JC, Fawcett WJ, Ljungqvist O, Lonjon G, de Boer HD. Consensus statement for perioperative care in lumbar spinal fusion: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations. Spine J. 2021 May;21(5):729–752. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2021. 01. 001.
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36. Yung EM, Got TC, Patel N, Brull R, Abdallah FW. Intra‑articular infiltration analgesia for arthroscopic shoulder surgery: a systematic review and meta‑analysis. Anaesthesia. 2021 Apr;76(4):549–558. doi: 10.1111/anae.15172.
37. Alyamani OA, Bahatheq MS, Azzam HA, Hilal FM, Farsi S, Bahaziq W, Alshoaiby AN. Perioperative pain management in COVID-19 patients: Considerations and recommendations by the Saudi Anesthesia Society (SAS) and Saudi Society of Pain Medicine (SSPM). Saudi J Anaesth 2021;15:59–69.
38. FDA Drug Safety Communication. FDA warns about serious breathing problems with seizure and nerve pain medicines gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, Horizant) and pregabalin (Lyrica, Lyrica CR). [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z: drug‑safety‑and‑availability/ fda‑warns‑about‑serious‑breathing‑problems‑seizure‑and‑nerve‑pain‑medicines‑gabapentin‑neurontin.
39. Gabapentin and risk of severe respiratory depression. Drug Ther Bull 2018;56:3–4.
40. Farcas A, Mahalean A, Bulik NB, Leucuta D, Mogosan C. New safety signals assessed by the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee at EU level in 2014–2017. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol 2018;11:10,1045–1051. doi: 10.1080/17512433.2018.1526676.
41. Málek J, Ševčík P a kol. Léčba pooperační bolesti. 4. aktualizované a doplněné vydání. Maxdorf Jessenius, Praha 2021. ISBN 978-80-7345-696-2.
42. Liu CW, Page MG, Weinrib A, Wong D, Huang A, McRae K, et al. Predictors of one year chronic post‑surgical pain trajectories following thoracic surgery. J Anesth. 2021 Aug;35(4):505–514. doi: 10.1007/s00540-021-02943-7.
43. Carley ME, Chaparro LE, Choinière M, Kehlet H, Moore RA, Van Den Kerkhof E, et al. Pharmacotherapy for the prevention of chronic pain after surgery in adults: An updated systematic review and meta‑analysis. Anesthesiology 2021;135:304–25.
44. IASP. Prevention of Chronic Post‑Surgical Pain 2021. [on-line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z: https://www.iasp‑pain. org/resources/fact‑sheets/ prevention‑of‑chronic‑post‑surgical‑pain/.
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46. Pogatzki‑Zahn EM, Liedgens H, Hummelshoj L, Meissner W, Weinmann C, Treede RD, et al.; IMI‑PainCare PROMPT consensus panel. Developing consensus on core outcome domains for assessing effectiveness in perioperative pain management: results of the PROMPT/IMI‑PainCare Delphi Meeting. Pain. 2021 Nov 1;162(11):2717–2736. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002254.
47. Schnabel A, Yahiaoui‑Doktor M, Meissner W, Zahn PK, Pogatzki‑Zahn EM. Predicting poor postoperative acute pain outcome in adults: an international, multicentre database analysis of risk factors in 50,005 patients. Pain Rep. 2020;5(4):e831. doi:10.1097/PR9.0000000000000831.
48. Barry GS, Bailey JG, Sardinha J, Brousseau P, Uppal V. Factors associated with rebound pain after peripheral nerve block for ambulatory surgery. Br J Anaesth. 2021 Apr;126(4):862–871. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2020. 10. 035.
49. Retraction Watch. Beam us up! Elsevier pulls 26 Covid-19 papers by researcher with a penchant for Star Trek. [on -line] [cit. 2021-11-10]; Dostupné z: https://retractionwatch. com/2021/03/31/beam‑us‑up‑elsevier‑pulls- 26-covid-19-papers‑by‑researcher‑with‑a- penchant‑for‑star‑trek/.
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Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care MedicineArticle was published in
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2021 Issue 6
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