Von Willebrand Disease
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EAHAD 2023: Genová terapie hemofilie je jednosměrka. Co vše je důležité pro dobré vykročení?
Letošní kongres Evropské asociace pro hemofilii a přidružené choroby (EAHAD) nabídl v rámci odborného programu mimo jiné sympozium pojednávající o zásadní změně v managementu hemofilie, a sice genové terapii této nemoci. Podpořila ho společnost CSL Behring a koncipováno bylo jako panelová debata expertů. Co vše je tedy podle těchto odborníků vhodné vědět o nové možnosti zlepšení kvality života hemofiliků?

Pregnancy and Childbirth in a Woman with VWD − A Case Study
Pregnancy and childbirth are relatively demanding periods and situations for women with von Willebrand...

With MD Eva Drbohlavová on Innovations in the Treatment of von Willebrand Disease and Improving Patients' Quality of Life
Von Willebrand Disease (vWD), as the most common congenital bleeding disorder, remains…
Articles on this topic

Another Piece of the Puzzle for More Accurate Dosing of Clotting Factors in von Willebrand Disease
A study published last year in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis presents the results…

Perioperative substitution therapy in patients with vWD must be tailored
Even in cases of von Willebrand disease (vWD), available data supports the need for…

Von Willebrand Disease as a Cause of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Abnormal uterine bleeding constitutes a large portion of complaints among women of…

Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease Step by Step
Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is the most common congenital bleeding disorder, with an…

Detection of von Willebrand Disease
Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is an autosomal hereditary bleeding disorder. Its detection and…

Perioperative Management of Bleeding in Patients with von Willebrand Disease Using Coagulation Factors
Von Willebrand disease is one of the most common congenital bleeding disorders. It is a…

Population Pharmacokinetics of Perioperative Administration of Coagulation Factors in Patients with von Willebrand Disease
For many patients with von Willebrand disease, the administration of coagulation factors is an…

Evaluation of Various VWF Concentrates Regarding Their Ability to Mediate Platelet Binding to Collagen
The study by London researchers on various VWF concentrates focused, among other things, on…
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Most read on this topic
- Von Willebrand disease
- Von Willebrand disease
- Updated Recommendations for Treatment of von Willebrand Disease
- With MD Eva Drbohlavová on Innovations in the Treatment of von Willebrand Disease and Improving Patients' Quality of Life
- Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease Step by Step
- Substitution Treatment of von Willebrand Disease with vWF and FVIII Concentrates
Journal on this topic
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