Prediction of Ischemic Stroke Risk in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Using a Simplified Score
Ischemic strokes (iCMP) are a common cause of death or significant disability in developed countries. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are affected by them even more frequently than the general population. A newly developed scoring system is capable of predicting the risk of iCMP in these patients.
The Wound Healing Process Step by Step and What Can Complicate It
Proper care of injuries is a fundamental prerequisite for their successful healing. Knowing the individual...
Hope Awakens with Early Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease Based on Skin Odor
According to scientists from the United Kingdom, a simple test based on an individual's skin odor could...
Deep stimulation of the globus pallidus improved clinical symptoms in a patient with refractory parkinsonism and genetic mutation
The authors of the presented work studied the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in a patient with...
ADCT – a simple tool for self-diagnosis of patients with severe atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory disease not only of childhood. It can negatively…
Dupilumab in the Treatment of Adolescent Patients with Severe and Refractory Atopic Dermatitis
An open multicenter study evaluating dupilumab in the treatment of moderate to severe atopic…
Noonan's Syndrome – History and Present
The genetically determined syndrome linking congenital heart defect with a typical facial phenotype…
Register of Patients Treated with Growth Hormone (REPAR): Data Analysis as a Path to Further Optimization of Care
Treatment with recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) is available in the Czech Republic for all…
Does Ixekizumab Have Long-term Effects on Improving Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms?
The extension of the SPIRIT-P2 study brought results of ixekizumab in patients with psoriatic…
View on the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Baricitinib Using the NNT Indicator
Clinical parameters assessed by patients themselves are an important tool in evaluating the…
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