Trauma Surgery - Issue 1/2016
Damage control orthopaedics (DCO) – our experience
Martin Novák, Milan Šír+, Leopold Pleva+
Case report: L4-5 posterior subluxation combined with L4 compression fracture
Jiří Šrámek, Rudolf Bertagnoli
Surgical treatment of calcaneal fractures
Petr Lysák, Marcel Guřan, Miroslav Budoš
Isolated duodenal injury - case report
Lumír Tomala, Martin Bartoň
Trauma Surgery

2016 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Surgical treatment of calcaneal fractures
- Case report: L4-5 posterior subluxation combined with L4 compression fracture
- Isolated duodenal injury - case report
- Damage control orthopaedics (DCO) – our experience