Transfusion and Haematology Today - Issue 1/2006
Comprehensive Reports, Original Papers, Case Reports
Real cost of chronic myeloid leukemia treatment with nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and comparison with cost of hypothetical imatinib treatment. What shall be considered in the cases of extremely costly medical procedures?
J. Mayer, Y. Brychtová, M. Doubek, M. Krejčí, J. Vorlíček
The use of alemtuzumab in allogeneic stem cell transplantation
J. Mayer, Y. Brychtová
Immunophenotyping of childhood leukaemias
T. Kalina, E. Mejstříková, M. Vášková, O. Hrušák
Optimalization of extracellular fetal DNA isolation for non-invasive fetal SRY, RHD and RHCE genotyping from maternal peripheral blood
I. Hromadníková, L. Žejšková, K. Veselá, M. Vydrová, J. Doucha, R. Schrollová, D. Wagenknecht
Plasmatic concentration of soluble endoglin in patients with lymphoid malignancies
L. Smolej, C. Andrýs, D. Belada, V. Maisnar, P. Žák, O. Široký, J. Malý
Transfusion and Haematology Today

2006 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Real cost of chronic myeloid leukemia treatment with nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and comparison with cost of hypothetical imatinib treatment. What shall be considered in the cases of extremely costly medical procedures?
- Transmission of prion disease by blood and hot news in detection methods of abnormal prion protein
- Immunophenotyping of childhood leukaemias
- The use of alemtuzumab in allogeneic stem cell transplantation