Bilateral Pleural Effusion – A Complication of Central Venous Catheterization – A Case Review

Authors: P. Novák 1;  M. Brabec 1;  I. Novák 2;  M. Maňasová 3
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgická klinika FN Plzeň, přednosta: prof. MUDr. V. Třeška, DrSc. 1;  I. interní klinika FN Plzeň, přednosta: doc. MUDr. M. Matějovič, Ph. D. 2;  Radiodiagnostická klinika FN Plzeň, přednosta: doc. MUDr. B. Kreuzberg, CSc. 3
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2008, roč. 87, č. 2, s. 65-67.
Category: Monothematic special - Original


The authors present a case review of a 30-year old patient, who developed central pleural effusion, a complication related to central venous catheterization and the consequent use of the central venous line. The authors aim to highlight potential complications of the method. The interesting feature of this case is the fact, that no apparent mistakes in the venous line introduction or its later use have been recorded.

Key words:
complications – central venous catheter/central venous line – pleural effusion


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery

Article was published in

Perspectives in Surgery

Issue 2

2008 Issue 2

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