Congenital cytomegalovirus infection from the viewpoint of otorhinolaryngologist
Ugorová D. 1; Polakovičová Z. 2; Dobišová I. 2; Pejhovská L. 2; Chovancová D. 2; Profant M. 1; Varga L. 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika otorinolaryngológie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF UK a UN Bratislava
1; Novorodenecká klinika M. Rusnáka SZU a UN Bratislava
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 71, 2022, No. 4, pp. 210-217.
Review Article
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection (cCMV) is the most common non-genetic cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and one of the most prevalent inborn infections. Its symptoms are variable, from thrombocytopenia to neurodevelopmental defects. Long-term consequences, including SNHL, occur in about 15% of newborns. However, they are often born asymptomatic and the SNHL develops later in childhood, leading to a high number of undiagnosed cases. Available diagnostic methods vary in their reliability and require correct indication and subsequent interpretation of the results. A different approach represents the implementation of full-scale cCMV screening into the current neonatal screening programs. The goal of our review article is to summarize the currently available data about congenital CMV infection associated with hearing loss with particular emphasis on recent diagnostic strategies.
hearing loss – screening – newborn – cytomegalovirus
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