Occupational Medicine - Issue 3-4/2013
Original Papers
New approach to evaluation of the influence of noise and vibrations on the health of employees in car service operations
Andrejiová Miriam, Piňosová Miriama, Lumnitzer Ervin
Allergy to latex gloves and disinfection remedies in dentists
Sedlatá Jurásková Eva, Matoušková Ivanka
Influence of industrial mineral fiber dusts on respiration toxicity parameters – time dependence
Hurbánková Marta, Černá Silvia, Tátrai Erzsébet, Barančoková Magdaléna, Kažimírová Alena, Volkovová Katarína, Staruchová Marta, Hrašková Dominika, Marcišiaková Jana, Wimmerová Soňa, Moricová Štefánia
Effects of glass fibers on selected parameters of respiratory tract in experimental conditions
Hurbánková Marta, Ďungelová Silvia, Černá Silvia, Tátrai Erzsébet, Wimmerová Soňa, Moricová Štefánia
Etiological factors of occupational rhinitis in the Slovak Republic
Perečinský Slavomír
Review article
Syndrome of carpal tunnel
Máslová Veronika, Nakládalová Marie, Marečková Jana
Health risks of exposure to dust at work
Sglunda Ondřej
Hypertension disease and health capability for work
Holý Jiří, Hejlek Aleš, Havránek Pavel
Occupational Medicine

2013 Issue 3-4
Most read in this issue
- Syndrome of carpal tunnel
- Effects of glass fibers on selected parameters of respiratory tract in experimental conditions
- Health risks of exposure to dust at work
- Hypertension disease and health capability for work