Nuclear Medicine - Issue 1/2022
4 roky poté, tentokrát bez COVID
MUDr. David Zogala, Ph.D., Předseda Čsnm Čls Jep
Významné životní jubileum v tomto čtvrtletí slaví
MUDr. Vojtěch Grecman
Review Article
History, present and future of the use of 68Ge/68Ga generators – 2nd part
Kateřina Fialová, Petra Suchánková, Martin Vlk, Ján Kozempel
Original Article
Optimization of the timing of the whole body diagnostic scintigraphy with 131I in patients with differentiated thyroid cancers
Libuše Quinn, Pavel Karhan, Pavel Koranda
Bone scan detects metastases earlier than CT
Otto Lang, Ivana Kuníková, Petra Malinová
Nuclear Medicine

2022 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Bone scan detects metastases earlier than CT
- History, present and future of the use of 68Ge/68Ga generators – 2nd part
- Lympho 2021, Mariánské Lázně
- Optimization of the timing of the whole body diagnostic scintigraphy with 131I in patients with differentiated thyroid cancers