The „Short Physical Per-formance Battery“ and its use for evaluation of geriatric frailty in clinical practice

Authors: E. Topinková;  M. Berková;  P. Mádlová;  J. Běláček
Authors‘ workplace: Geriatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha 1;  Ústav biofyziky a informatiky 1. LF UK Praha 2
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2013, 2, č. 1: 43-49
Category: Review Article


Aging is characterized by advancing decline of functional organ capacity; however these changes are asynchronous and individualized. That’s why seniors are very heterogeneous group regarding their health status and functional capacity. Clinical manifestation is increasing vulnerability and limited capacity to resist stressors caused by multi-organ deficits accumulation for which the term geriatric frailty is used. Despite generally accepted concept of frailty there is no universally accepted definition and assessment tool for diagnosis of frailty in clinical practice. Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) validated in our department represents the current useful tool to identify seniors at risk of frailty syndrome (so called „pre-frail“) as well for those with a fully developed frailty in a physical domain. The article summarizes the results of the first pilot study with SPPB in the Czech Republic and brings recommendations for its use. Performing SPPB could be recommended in geriatric patients without disability who may profit from targeted preventive interventions. Further, SPPB is recommended in older cancer patients and patients before elective surgeries to assess the need of modified treatment approach and the need of comprehensive geriatric assessment by a geriatrician.

Short Physical Performance Battery – frailty syndrome – older persons


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