Knowledge of nurses of disinfection of selected objects and surfaces in the provision of health services
M. Krause 1,2; F. Dolák 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, Ústav ošetřovatelství, porodní asistence a neodkladné péče, Ředitelka: prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph. D.
1; Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Ústav ošetřovatelství a neodkladné péče, Děkan: prof. MUDr. Karel Cvachovec, CSc., MBA
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2021; 101(2): 112-117
Of different specialties
Aim: The aim of the research was to find out the knowledge of general nurses about disinfection of selected non-critical or minimally critical objects and surfaces used in the provision of nursing care.
Method: For data collection was used a quantitative method of research using the questionnaire technique. The research was focused on general nurses working in standard departments of internal and surgical disciplines. The research was carried out in a regional hospital and took place from March to June 2020.
Results: By the research was positively found out that general nurses have knowledge about the indication of disinfection, the selection of a suitable disinfectant and the method of disinfection. However, the problem area was the knowledge about ensuring the appropriate concentration and exposure time of disinfectant. The results of the research show that it is important to regularly train general nurses in the chemical disinfection of objects and surfaces that are repeatedly used by general nurses in clinical practice.
Conclusion: An important aspect for performing disinfection of non-critical or minimally critical objects and surfaces is the knowledge of general nurses about disinfection. The results of the research obtained by the questionnaire survey thus form the basis for the implementation of regular training in problematics of healthcare associated infections, their prevention and compliance with the hygienic and epidemiological principles, and they are also the basis for the need to seek and implement new options to minimize the transmission of healthcare associated infections and for the provision of safe and quality care.
disinfection – objects and surfaces – healthcare associated infections – practice – general nurses – knowledge – Disinfection – objects and surfaces – healthcare associated infections – practice – general nurses – Knowledge
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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