Physical Fitness and Home Anthropometric Characteristics ofEight Years Old Children
Z. Bartošíková; J. Balharová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav sociálního lékařství a veřejného zdravotnictví, odd. preventivní a sociální pediatrie LF MU, Brno, vedoucí MUDr. L. Kukla, CSc.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2003; (8): 474-477
The authors have observed physical fitness and some anthropometric characteristics in eightyears old children (living in Brno in the years 1999-2000) from the ELSPAC study. Besides thepulse frequency, blood pressure and BMI they aimed also to socioeconomic status of the family.The results of the step test in these eight years old children showed higher physical fitness inboys than in girls. Lower physical fitness was showed in individuals with higher levels of BMI(robust and obese).The number of obese children in Brno reaches 2.3% and the number of slender children reaches8.4%. The BMI levels do not differ according to the sex of the children. Stronger correlation ofBMI was found between boys and mothers (r=0.378) than that between girls and mothers(r=0.185). Higher levels of systolic pressure were found in 4% of children and 5.4% of childrenhave higher levels of diastolic pressure. The difference between boys and girls was not found.The children with diastolic hypertension showed weaker physical fitness.Socioeconomic level of the family influenced neither the BMI levels in eight years old childrennor his physical fitness. The BMI level of the parents is related to the level of reached level ofeducation. The men and women with higher level of education have generally moreslender body(p
Key words:
physical fitness - pulse frequence - blood pressure - BMI.
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
2003 Issue 8
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