Cholelithiasis in Childhood

Authors: D. Tůmová;  S. Kochanová;  Jakub Langer;  V. . Malinová
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika dětského a dorostového lékařství 1. LF UK, VFN Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. J. Hoza, CSc.
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2001; (5): 263-264


Cholelithiasis in childhood is considered a rare disease. In the course of one year the authors examined by abdominal sonography a total of 1380 children. Among those in 11 boys and 5 girls aged 1 month to 19 years cholelithiasis was detected. In two children echogenic structures in the gallbladder disappeared spontaneously. With advancing age also subjective complaints increased, in particular atypical abdominal pain. The results of laboratory examinations majority did not reveal deviations from normal. Sonographic examination of the gallbladder holds an important place in the examination pattern of abdominal pain in children, as even in younger patients the cause may be cholelithiasis.

Key words:
cholelithiasis - abdominal pain - children

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