Disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome – a neglected complication of acute pancreatitis
Vaněk P. 1,2; Falt P. 1,3; Urban O. 1
Authors‘ workplace:
II. interní klinika – gastroenterologická a geriatrická LF UP a FN Olomouc
1; Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, MN, USA
2; II. interní gastroenterologická klinika LF UK v Hradci Králové
Published in:
Gastroent Hepatol 2020; 74(3): 204-211
Digestive Endoscopy: Review Article
Acute pancreatitis is a reversible pancreatic inflammatory process that may be accompanied by local and systemic complications. In a subset of patients with severe acute pancreatitis, necrosis affecting the major pancreatic duct may result in a discontinuity between the left-sided pancreas and duodenum. Such an interruption in the setting of a viable upstream portion of gland parenchyma gives rise to the disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome, which is generally regarded as a diagnostically and therapeutically difficult condition. The syndrome is associated with a prolonged disease course and poses a burden on patients’ quality of life and high health care resource utilization. There are currently no universally accepted guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment, the syndrome is often neglected and diagnosis delayed. The aim of our review article is to raise awareness of this serious complication of acute pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis – acute necrotizing pancreatitis – pancreatic ducts – disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome – walled-off necrosis – pancreatic pseudocyst – pancreatic fistula
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Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology SurgeryArticle was published in
Gastroenterology and Hepatology

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