How we should monitor a child patient and adolescent with diabetic retinopathy: case report of 20-years-old female patient and angio OCT

Authors: Mária Molnárová 1,2;  Miroslava Zelníková 1,2
Authors‘ workplace: Očná klinika Jesseniovej LF UK a UNM, Martin 1;  VIKOM s. r. o. – 1. žilinské očné centrum, Žilina 2
Published in: Forum Diab 2017; 6(1): 43-48
Category: Case Report


We are presenting modern principles of diagnostics and non-invasive monitoring of diabetic retinopathy on a case report of 20-years-old female patient with a 16 years history of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Beside good history and clinical examination the most important part lies on the imaging diagnostic methods. Fluorecein angiography (FAG) to display two-dimensional retinal vascular system and optical coherence tomography (OCT) for retinal examination in cross section. Angio OCT is a new non-invasive imaging examination method of retinal vascular plexuses and choroideal vasculature. Angio OCT provides three-dimensional views of retinal and choroidal vasculature. While FAG is an invasive examination method with all the risks of invasive examination methods. Is time-consuming, costly and contraindicated in pregnant women and patients with severe nephropathy. Angio OCT is noninvasive, reliable, fast, easy to operate, at any time repeatable and safe imaging examination method.

Key words:
angio OCT, diagnostics, retinal examination, imaging examination method

1. 2. 2017

13. 3. 2017


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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicine
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