Forensic Medicine - Issue 1/2019
Original Article
Unusual mechanism of injury in a case of suicide by the jump from height
Šidlo Jozef, Kováč Peter, Očko Peter, Mikuláš Ľubomír, Šikuta Ján
Forensic aspects of communication with the patient and bereaved persons in out-of-hospital practice
Kaniok Radek, Novomeský František, Veselá Kanioková Petra
Forensic Medicine

2019 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Unusual mechanism of injury in a case of suicide by the jump from height
- Forensic aspects of communication with the patient and bereaved persons in out-of-hospital practice
- X. Mezinárodní kongres úrazové chirurgie a soudního lékařství
- Za doc. Ing. Miroslavom Bauerom, CSc.