Forensic Medicine - Issue 1/2015
Original Article
Experimental stab wound
Miroslav Hirt, František Vorel, Michal Zelený
Confrontation of knowledge on alcohol concentration in blood and in exhaled air
Miroslav Bauer, Jiřina Bauerová, Ján Šikuta, Jozef Šidlo
Case report
A case of cerebral hypoplasia/dysplasia detected at autopsy
Nursel Türkmen İnanir, Filiz Eren, Mustafa Numan Ural, Bülent Eren, Murat Serdar Gürses
Short Communication
Alcohol congeners and their implications for medicolegal assessment of drunkeness
Ľubomír Straka, Martin Janík, František Novomeský, Ivana Komáreková, Jozef Krajčovič, František Štuller
The criteria for appointing experts in forensic medicine
Tomáš Vojtíšek
Forensic Medicine

2015 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- The criteria for appointing experts in forensic medicine
- A case of cerebral hypoplasia/dysplasia detected at autopsy
- Experimental stab wound
- Alcohol congeners and their implications for medicolegal assessment of drunkeness