Czech Urology - Issue 4/2013
Review article
A method of accelerated rehabilitation in perioperative care of urological procedures
David Míka, Ondřej Havránek, David Němec, Radek Sýkora, Jan Krhut
Current options for predicting the effectiveness of systemic therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Ivan Trávníček, Milan Hora, Ondřej Hes, Luboš Holubec
Original article
Does prostate re-biopsy have to include a biopsy of the transitional zone?
Martin Hrabec, František Záťura, Ladislava Kučerová, Vladimír Študent
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy at the Olomouc University Hospital – a 15-year experience
Igor Hartmann, Michal Grepl, Oldřich Šmakal, Filip Čtvrtlík, Jan Václavík, Zdeněk Fryšák, Martin Doležel, Vladimír Študent
Patients’ quality of life in select dialysis centers in Slovakia
Mário Ležovič, Matej Mucska, Zuzana Hološová
Clean intermittent catheterization in patients following spinal cord injury: A prospective study evaluating the correlation between education and incidence of complications
Alena Kyrianová, Vladimír Šámal, Jaroslav Šrám, Jan Mečl
Case report
Abdominoscrotal hydrocele
Radka Bulínová, Leoš Handrejch, Marek Koch, Jiří Ladman, Libor Šafařík
Ureteral endometriosis
Lukáš Wagenknecht, Jan Jandejsek
Czech Urology

2013 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Ureteral endometriosis
- Abdominoscrotal hydrocele
- Patients’ quality of life in select dialysis centers in Slovakia
- Does prostate re-biopsy have to include a biopsy of the transitional zone?