Czech Urology - Issue 2/2012
Review article
Failure of local treatment of prostate cancer
Milan Král, Vladimír Študent
Original article
Possibilities of endoscopic management of retained incrusted ureteral stents
Petra Kočovská, Viktor Eret, Pavla Toufarová, Zdeněk Chudáček, Milan Hora
Case report
Carcinoma rete testis
Katarína Slatinová, Zdeněk Šalomon, Martin Labovský
Intestinal metaplasia of bladder mucosa in combination with Peutz Jeghers syndrome
Miroslav Hanuš, Michaela Matoušková, Ludmila Koldová
Bilateral renal cell carcinoma treated by nephrectomy and nephron-sparing surgery using a single-stage procedure
Marie Hurtová, Miroslav Louda, Miroslava Romžová, Miloš Broďák
Hemorrhage into the scrotum as an initial sign of epididymal metastasis of prostate cancer
Daniel Macík, Eva Krejčí, Michal Staník, Jan Doležel
Sentinel node lyphadenectomy of epidermoid carcinoma of the penis
Vít Pávek, Martin Drábek, Zdeněk Lavička
Czech Urology

2012 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- Early salvage radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy indicated in patients with rising PSA levels below the conventional threshold of biochemical recurrence 0.2 ng/ml
- Possibilities of endoscopic management of retained incrusted ureteral stents
- Intestinal metaplasia of bladder mucosa in combination with Peutz Jeghers syndrome
- Failure of local treatment of prostate cancer