Czech-Slovak Pediatrics - Issue 5/2013
Original Papers
Influence of periconceptional and prenatal exposure to smoking on male reproduction: sex rate and puberty
D. Hrubá, L. Kukla, P. Okrajek, V. Šikolová
Alcohol and drug intoxications in adolescents admitted to paediatric centres in the Czech Republic
P. Kabíček, J. Kobr, L. Šašek, Z. Obdržálková, L. Svitálková, V. Hůrková, J. Zeman
Are children’s sandpits safe for children’s health?
K. Uhrinová, J. Buchancová, Ľ. Šošková, M. Kapasný, J. Zibolenová
Differences in mental health of pupils in urban and rural
P. Dankovičová, Ž. Fetisovová, I. Ondrejka
Neurocristopathies: The role of neural crest-derived cells in pathogenesis of congenital anomalies in the example of Hirschsprung´s disease
T. Sláviková, L. Zábojníková, Š. Polák, I. Varga
Clinical context of the thyroid gland development and its disorders in the fetus and newborn (part 2)
D. Neumann, K. Krylová, E. Al Taji, Z. Límanová, P. Dejmek, J. Horáček
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2013 Issue 5
Most read in this issue
- Alcohol and drug intoxications in adolescents admitted to paediatric centres in the Czech Republic
- Neurocristopathies: The role of neural crest-derived cells in pathogenesis of congenital anomalies in the example of Hirschsprung´s disease
- Clinical context of the thyroid gland development and its disorders in the fetus and newborn (part 2)
- Differences in mental health of pupils in urban and rural