Czech-Slovak Pediatrics - Issue 4/2010
Original Papers
Modelling the Development of Body Height (Length) in Children Using Parental Height Data
M. Čuta, L. Kukla, L. Novák
Epidemiology of Non-fatal Accidents and the Development of the Accident Rate in Children over the Past Decade in the Czech Republic. A Shift in the Hitherto Trend?
S. Janoušek, P. Sedlák, Z. Zvadová, V. Faierajzlová, S. Janoušek, J. Vignerová, Z. Roth
Review Article
Shaken Baby Syndrome
D. Průchová, M. Velemínský
Possible Management of Diabetic Neuropathy in Childhood
J. Vojtková, P. Ďurdík, M. Čiljaková, L. Vojarová, Peter Bánovčin
Postgraduate Education
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2010 Issue 4
Most read in this issue
- Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Modelling the Development of Body Height (Length) in Children Using Parental Height Data
- Epidemiology of Non-fatal Accidents and the Development of the Accident Rate in Children over the Past Decade in the Czech Republic. A Shift in the Hitherto Trend?