Czech-Slovak Pediatrics - Issue 1/2007
Original Papers
Problems in Early Establishment of the Diagnosis of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
R. Formánková, J. Bartůňková, A. Šedivá, O. Hrušák, E. Mejstříková, P. Sedláček, L. Šrámková, P. Keslová, V. Vávra, A. Janda, J. Litzman, E. Pařízková, K. Dlask, J. Starý
Mycoplasmal Pneumonia in Childhood
A. Kapellerová, J. Zlocha, Z. Kuková, M. Luptáková, A. Tarhini
Child Abuse and Neglect Syndrome (sy CAN) in Our Society and Medical Staff
Z. Novotný, S. Jelen, M. Holčáková
Case Report
Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Children
E. Klásková, V. Smolka, J. Dobešová, J. Reitinger, J. Wiedermann, L. Vítková, E. Kaďůrková
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome – cui bono? Review article
Z. Slavík, J. Škovránek
Postgraduate Education
Differential Diagnostics of Swelling at the Child Age
Ľ. Podracká, L. Kovács
The current Case
Subtelomeric Rearrangement as a Cause of Microcephaly, Facial Dysmorphia and Mental Retardation
E. Seemanová, D. Novotná, Z. Vlčková
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

2007 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- Mycoplasmal Pneumonia in Childhood
- Stevens–Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Children
- Subtelomeric Rearrangement as a Cause of Microcephaly, Facial Dysmorphia and Mental Retardation
- Problems in Early Establishment of the Diagnosis of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency